Types of Appliances

Distal Jet

distal jetThe Distal Jet is used for distalizing or moving the molars in order to make more room in the mouth for emerging teeth or to correct overcrowding and bite issues. The appliances are typically installed on the upper palate to correct Class II malocclusions, which occur when the upper teeth are too far ahead of the lower teeth and Class II molar relations, which occur when teeth are blocked from emerging or missing. However, the appliance can also be used to correct bite problems in the lower jaw. The device is designed to move the teeth and/or expand the palate in order to create room in the jaw for the teeth. Once the molars have successfully been moved into their proper positions, braces and bands are used to reposition the rest of the teeth. In some cases, this can lead to a gap in the front teeth. However, the gap usually closes on its own after treatment has been completed.

palatal expander modelThe palatal expander "expands" (or widens) your upper jaw by putting gentle pressure on your upper molars each time an adjustment is made. The animation below will instruct you about when and how to adjust your expander. When you achieve the desired expansion, you will wear the appliance for several months to solidify the expansion and to prevent regression.

Adjusting the palatal expander

You can also download these instructions in a printable PDF document.

Step 1

Step 1

In a well-lit area, tip the patient's head back.

Step 2

Step 2

Place the key in the hole until it is firmly in place.

Step 3

Step 3

Push the key toward the back of the mouth. You will notice the fender will rotate and the new hole will appear. The rotation stops when the key meets the back of the expander.

Step 4

Step 4

Press back and down toward the tongue to remove the key. The next hole for insertion of the key should now be visible.

Carriere Distalizer Appliance

Creating a Corrected Bite Without Headgear


carriere distalizerThe Carriere® Distalizer is an orthodontic device developed to correct a bite without removing permanent teeth when teeth have erupted incorrectly. With an effect similar to headgear, but without the use of a bulky appliance, the Carriere Distalizer pushes upper teeth back to create a corrected bite prior to the addition of braces. How does the Carriere Distalizer work?

  • First, your orthodontist will create an anchor point, most commonly with a lower Essex Appliance, a passive lingual arch, full mandibular fixed appliance, or mini-screws. A Carriere Distalizer arm is then attached to the upper teeth on both sides of your mouth.
  • An elastic band is attached from the upper bar to the lower back molars and should be worn at all times except when eating.
  • With good elastic wear, your bite can be corrected in a matter of months, depending on the severity of your case.
  • When the Carriere Distalizer arms are removed, we will place upper braces to finish correcting your bite and aligning your teeth to the perfectly straight, ideal smile you've always wanted.